Embedding from Morrey spaces to Morrey-Stummel spaces


  • Artmo Dihartomo Laweangi
  • Hendra Gunawan Institut Teknologi Bandung




Morrey spaces, Stummel spaces, embedding, Riesz potential operator


In this paper, we study the relation between Stummel spaces, Morrey spaces, and Lebesgue spaces. We show the existence of embedding from Lebesgue spaces to Stummel spaces, and from Morrey spaces to Stummel spaces. The key of showing the existence of embeddings relies on the boundedness of Riesz potential operator both in Morrey spaces and Lebesgue spaces.

Author Biography

Artmo Dihartomo Laweangi

Doctoral students


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How to Cite

Laweangi, A. D., & Gunawan, H. (2024). Embedding from Morrey spaces to Morrey-Stummel spaces. Hilbert Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 2(2), 092–098. https://doi.org/10.62918/hjma.v2i2.25